Frequently Asked Questions (2025)

AKA (라스트오리진 FAQ) / Last Origin FAQ.

The questions added into this page are frequently asked by newbies. Please read this page carefully and completely as it can pre-emptively answer questions before they are even asked.


  • 1 Before-I-Start FAQ
  • 2 Beginner's FAQ
    • 2.1 General Questions
    • 2.2 Technical Questions
    • 2.3 Gameplay Questions
    • 2.5 Returnee Questions
    • 2.6 Meta-Talk FAQ
Are there any explicitly graphical sex scenes or porn in the game?


Am I too late to start playing this game?

Unless the game is already inaccessible, there's literally 0 reason you would be "too late" to play LO. Go start playing now if you actually want to play the game.

I don't actually want to play the game. Where can I see the titties / game's images?

Danbooru or Swaytwig.

Are there any time-limited content in the game?

With the exception of the pre-register skin, no. Any Event-limited units/EQs will be added to the Production Pool and/or as a Map Drop later on. Early-bird package skins will be added to the store and exchange late on too.

Are there any promo codes/coupons/whatever-ARG-extra for the game?


How good is the game? Is it worth it? Is it fun?

Go play it. Form your own opinion on it like any other game. It's free to play. That said, it is a character-centric strategy game. If you can't be bothered to read what units do, you are going to have a rough time eventually.

How F2P-friendly is the game?

The game is extremely F2P since it was made to cater to people who were sick of the usual gachage conventions. You won't be locked behind paywalls just to play the game unless you deliberately screw yourself over.

How are the game's rates?

Literally no-one who actually plays this game care about the "rates". Only newbies who came from worse, cut-throat gachages care about the rates. We never needed a pity system and crafting rate-up was tacked on a good year after the game was made. Farming SS units are such commonplace, they are practically free resources. Take these instead as testaments on how good you would like to believe the "rates" are.

How do you get the premium currency (Tuna Cans) without buying them? How much can you get for free per month?

You can get them through one-time completions of career Missions, various one-time content, getting 4* in each stage, and from Scrapbook completion.

From the Attendance track, free track on the ORCA Pass, and Missions, you can get 60 tuna cans per month.

How do I buy the premium currency?

For the Korean server, As of June 2022, you may not be able to purchase premium currency through Google Appstore due to Google having issues with international purchases. This issue is out of Dev's control. No, there is nothing you can do to easily circumvent this blockade beyond having a native Korean to help you out. If you are willing to use some other questionable methods, try going to the Discord server and ask around.

For the Japanese server, you can purchase premium currency through Google Play Store for Google Play ver; You can purchase premium currency by using DMM points for DMM/Fanza ver, DMM points can be purchased on DMM Appstore on their respective page. Do note, DMM might not accept oversea debit/credit cards, but they accept PayPal.

Where do I purchase the ORCA Pass?

Store. Tuna tab. The one that doesn't look like cans of tuna. Near the end of every month, the Pass will be unavailable for purchase.

How many versions does the game have?

There are currently 2 servers: Korean and Japanese.

The Korean server and Japanese server has Censored versions from Google Play (Android version) and App Store (iOS).

The Korean server has Uncensored version from ONESTORE (Android only).

The Japanese server's Uncensored android version can be downloaded from Fanza (DMM). Though depending on your location, you may need to use VPN to access the official website

The Uncensored version is NOT a patch. It is a game version.

What are the differences between the Censored and Uncensored versions?

The Uncensored version's graphics are much more revealing than the Censored version, to the point where the outfit of a skin can be drastically different.

What are the differences between the Korean and Japanese servers?

Japanese server is around a year behind the Korean server in terms of content. That means several units / equipment / promotion / events / skins / QoL features are not yet implemented in Japanese server. However, due to certain changes in their content schedule for Japanese server since September 2023, Japanese server might get certain unit, skin or event earlier than Korean server, and new features will be implemented as soon as possible, instead of keeping the 1 year gap. Additionally, Dollars-to-Tuna rate is better in Japanese server, some skins are at cheaper price, and the newly released skins often have discounts after each maintenance, together with random old skins.

Japan server has several skin arts with the camel toe part censored due to JP laws and regulations. However, due to an unfortunate event, Korean server also has the camel toe part censorship on most if not all skin arts.

For the Korean server, once linked with a Google Account, your LO Account can be used in both versions as all the data is shared.

Similar to the Korean server, the Japanese server (Google Play) uses Google Account as your login account, and you can't change it once you have linked the account. However, the Japanese server (DMM/Fanza) uses DMM Account as your login account. Google Play and DMM/Fanza login info is not shared, which means you can use the same Gmail Account for both Google Play and DMM/Fanza, but they are not linked with same LO Account. You can connect your login info from Google Play to DMM/Fanza or the other way around, by generating transfer code in Settings. You can refer the steps from official JP Twitter/X account.

Korean server and Japanese server are 2 different servers, your LO Account is NOT shared and NOT transferable between the two servers.

The Wiki is also skewed towards the Korean server, and some information regarding unit's skills is likely to be different from the current Japanese server, which might not have the update yet. Japanese server may also have different amount of stages, enemy formations, drops and/or exchanges list compared to Korean server in certain events.

Other than that, the developers have claimed that there will be no limited content that appears in one server but not the other.

Which server is recommended for me, the Korean server or the Japanese server?

If you can read Japanese fully, you may choose the Japanese server. However, be warned that you are essentially trailblazing on your own. If you need help, please refer to this Discord server.

If you cannot read Japanese. Play on the Korean server because you can use the wiki as guidance and reference in order to play the game.

Global server when?

No plan. Give up.

How do I download the game?

For the Censored Android version (both Korean and Japanese), you can easily find the APK on places like QooApp (the version on QooApp is the same as Google Play ver).

Alternatively for JP, you can find them on DMM app (Android) or DMM Game Player (PC), and search for the game name, ラストオリジン (Censored version) or ラストオリジンR (Uncensored version, under Fanza / R18+ games category). You might need an VPN to access Fanza due to DMM's restrictions on certain countries. Update: 29/10/2024, ラストオリジン on DMM was taken down for unknown reason, so censored version is currently only available on Google Play/QooApp.

For the Uncensored Android version (Korean), join the Discord server, find the respective channel and download the APK from there. Install it on your smartphone or android emulator.

For Korean iOS version, you must have a valid Korean phone number in order to download it. If you do have the phone number, just get it from the store. If you don't, give up.

How big is the game size?

About at least 7 GB.

Can I play the game on PC?

Yes. Just emulate it with any android emulator or get it from DMM if you play on the JP server.

What emulator do LO players usually use?

LDplayer or older versions of Bluestacks. Your mileage may vary. Learn to use your emulators.

Do I need to be online to play the game?


Can I play older versions/Insert-version-here of the game?


Can I mod the game? / Can I apply the Uncensored patch for the Japanese server?

Go join the Discord and lurk.

Is the English patch working? / How can I play in English?

Go join the Discord and find it in one of the channels. Fair warning, they are re-enabled in-progress localisation files. They are disabled by default for obvious REASONS.

The translations are sometimes outdated, incomplete, or unavailable. There could be bugs that soft-locks the game. That said, better off just using the wiki as reference and play the game.

Can I use the English patch on my smartphone?

Yes. The steps are roughly the same.

Are there any PvP?

Due to lore reasons, no. You are the only human left.

What do I do now/How do I start?

Install the game and start playing. If you are confronted with some choices at the start, read the UI Guide. If you are done with the game's tutorial, go link your account to a Google email, read the rest of this page, explore the Guides section on this wiki and explore the game. The former has most of the general pages on the wiki laid in order as well as other important resources. These pages each tells you a part of game's mechanics/features in detail. Do this and play the game. Then just learn as you play like any other videogame.

General Questions

Should I reroll?

Not recommended because you can just farm most units. But you can. Use the log out / delete account feature (if you want the next account to be linked to a specific email you currently using) as shown in UI Guide.

Who Should I re-roll for?

No one.

Are there any tier lists?

No. Unless you meant this.

Are there any recipes to get <Insert unit here>?

No. Find out how to better manipulate your chance by understanding how crafting numbers work in Workshop. If you meant AGS units, then do Research.

What do I do with this thing I got from the in-game mail?

Check Announcements KR if you're playing the Korean server.

Do these story choices matter?

Not critically, but you can see different events and opinions of your characters. You can always go back and view the story scenes via the archive.

Does /insert current event have one chapter only?

Game updates biweekly with new content. If there are units that you cannot currently farm but is shown in the frontpage of the event, there will probably be new chapter/stuff for it. Start reading Announcements KR.

How come insert-skin/unit-here does not have L2D/broken/whatever feature?

Because they just don't. The only things that are guaranteed for units/skins are base CG and voice-lines. Everything else are extras that the unit/skin may or may not get. Small devteam, count your blessings.

How often do skins/unit get L2D?

Very infrequently for old skins. But, after LO's transfer of management to Valofe, new skins now come with L2Ds with some minor animations.

Technical Questions

I got stuck at HMD x%?

If it's 6% or below, login failed, you should restart the game. If it is consistently 6%, check below and try out the Language fix.

If it's 9% or above, give it a few minutes. If it still doesn't move, restart the game.

Why can't I play?

Start reading the announcement on wiki or on the Discord server for maintenance information.

Why does the game try to take me to some Korean Store when I open the game / Why can't I play the game after maintenance?

The APK is outdated. Go update it.

How do I update the game?

How did you install the game the first time? Do it again with new version of the game.

When does the maintenance usually start?

Usually 0900 hours KST/JST, Thursdays, biweekly. But the time and date can change due to outstanding reasons, always refer back to Announcements KR for the Korean server and Official Webpage or Official Twitter/X for the JP server..

Last Origin failed to launch, This app will be terminated because a security policy violation has been detected! popped up.

These errors are usually followed by code numbers. Depending on the numbers, you may need to do different things in order to fix it. Please read carefully below.

3 and 4
Please delete the app and download it again
6, 9 and 17
Please close other apps/hack-tool that may be affecting the game, and see if you are in an environment fitting to use the machine at hand
Please close other apps/hack-tool that may be affecting the game
Debugging attempt have been observed. Please close the app that may be affecting the game, and open the game again
12, 13 and 18
Please close the other app/hack-tool that may be affecting the app at hand, and open the game again
Please close other app/hack-tool that may be affecting the game, reinstall Google Play Store, and open the game again
Please close the hack-tool and open the game again
Please close the process that has Network Packet Capture function and open the game again
Please close other app that may contain Auto hack-tool/Macro function and open the game again
Please open the game on non-emulator
Please delete the hack-tool and open the game again
Please open the game in an environment where there's no Rooting
Please close other app that may be containing Speed hack-tool or affect the game loading
Please turn the USB Debugging option OFF, and open the game again
Please delete the app, and redownload the app from the App Store
Please open the game on non-Virtual Machine environment
Why are all of my units black silhouettes?

Uncheck the public mode option, See UI Guide.

Why can't I find <Insert unit here> in <Insert Menu here>? / Why can't I select <Insert unit here> in <Insert Menu here>?

Usually, they're either in an Exploration Squad, Preset, Offline Farming, or working in the Base.

What does /Insert pop-up here means?

Use image translator services like Yandex's image translation or Google Lens and find out. Alternatively, ask the people on Discord.

I have received a unit as a clear reward but I cannot find it in my unit storage.

You ran out of space when you received that unit. You can find the unit in your Mail or Temporary Storage. If it's in your mail and you failed to notice for 2 weeks, that unit is now gone. Go ask the support centre for a copy if it's Labiata, Invincible Dragon, Lemonade Alpha or Lemonade Omega.

Gameplay Questions

Are there any unit that can heal?


Is this <Insert team of 5 random SS units here> good?

Probably not. But may be good enough for whatever stage you intend to do.

How should I raise stats for this unit? / What link bonus should I choose? / What Equipment should I use? / Where is the Stat Distribution Guide?

The old stat distribution guide has been removed to encourage players actually learn one of the basics of the game.As for unit builds, it depends on the unit's abilities and what you are going to use them for. Additionally, unit builds can be further optimised for farming specific stages or battling specific enemies or fit into specific compositions. If you need some basic cues on how to start allocating stat, go:

  • Read what each stat does on Unit Details.
  • Read your units' abilities and test their kit out.
  • Decide what you want them to do.

Do not be afraid of experimenting so you can get an idea of how stat works and what you'd like a unit to do. Stat/link reset is now a free action.

Same concept applies to equipment. Go see what that equipment does and see if it helps what you want your units to do. Go think while you play this strategy game.

How do I rank-up my units?

Workshop or through the unit's own page. Do note that only certain units can be ranked-up.

How do I unlock auto mode?

Research, it's one of the first things you unlock.

Why does the game keep getting dark when I leave it on auto?

That's the Screensaver mode. You can turn it off temporarily by swiping the screen, or permanently in the Options (See UI Guide).

Why is there a popup each time I try to enter a map/accept rewards?

Your permanent Unit Lobby / Equipment Storage is full. Go buy more.

But I checked the numbers on Workshop and it says I have more space.

Those are not total numbers. Go check the actual number of Units/EQ you have in unit/equipment storage.

How do I beat <Insert boss / elite mob here> / <Literally anything about enemies being difficult to beat>?

Your enemies have names, stats, and abilities. Learn their names to know who they are. Learn their stats to roughly gauge them. Learn their abilities so you know what they are capable of. For most of the higher end enemies, their weaknesses are even outright stated in their abilities. Then just adjust, adapt, and play the game.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

How do I farm <Insert stage here>?

In most cases you can just get a unit that hit 3x3 area, buff it up as much as you can and just let it steamroll everything. Then let offline farming do its thing. Most levels, especially newer events, feature weak enemies that can barely put up a fight. In cases where this tactic fails, you would need a hyper specific farming team that work around your enemies.

How do I farm <Insert stage here> fast?

In most cases, you can just go full penetration (100% DEF PEN + DR ignore or Elemental attacks + DR ignore) and kill all enemies at once before they even move. Figure out how to do this by yourselves, go read what your units do. Certain stages require a bit more work but the gist of it is the same. Kill all enemies before they move. It does not get any simpler.

Where do I read about my enemies?

Here or Here. Alternatively find the level under the World subsection on Guides. Alternatively, you can read about them in-game, though the in-game description might be lacking. See the Combat System for more information.

How do I know the enemies' levels in <insert map here> / How do I know the enemies' in-game stats in <insert map here>?

You go in that level then you read the enemies' stat in-game. See the Combat System for more information.

What's the minimum level to start doing <insert event here/insert map here>?

Enough for whatever team you are using right now. Really, there are too many factors (units/equipment/enemies) to consider, we don't even bother giving arbitrary minimum levels for questions like these.

Why does <Insert Defenders here> do not protect <Insert unit here>?

Go read their abilities and the effects they may have on Effect list. If a unit is properly protected and still got hit, go check if your enemies ignore protection effects.

Why does my high EVA character keep getting hit?

The actual hit chance is% to hit = ACC - EVA. If the enemies' ACC are higher than your unit's EVA, they can hit it.

I have calculated the enemy's hit chance and it is 0%, why does my high EVA character gets hit anyway?

Certain Actives have additional ACC added to it that is not reflected in the unit's ACC stat. Which is why it is important to read unit abilities. Additionally certain effects are applied on-use instead of on-hit. Which means regardless of hit, the effects will still be applied.

Why does my character keep missing their attacks?

The actual hit chance is% to hit = ACC - EVA. Unless your unit's ACC in-game is 100(%) higher than the enemy's EVA, they have the chance to miss.

I have calculated my unit's hit chance and it is 100%, why does my unit misses anyway?

Stats can still be manipulated with effects that are applied with abilities. Just because you have 100% chance to hit when you give the order, it doesn't mean the attack will have 100% chance to hit when it is being performed. The enemy may have reduced your unit's ACC or gain EVA before your unit can attack.

Where do I get <Insert unit/EQ here>?

Go read their page on wiki. See where you can get/farm them. B-ranked units' drop list are excluded from their page. Go check in-game instead.

Where do I get <Insert Item here>?

Check Items. If it's not there, then it's a time-limited item / event currency, go check Announcements KR if you're playing the Korean server, or go to the Discord.

Do anyone know the craft rate for <Insert unit/EQ here>?


Do anyone know the drop rate for <Insert unit/EQ/item here>?


Do I have higher chance of getting X if I complete all of the ★ Missions?


Are there anything I could do to improve my chances at getting a unit to drop?

No. "Just farm more" is what we can suggest, you will get them eventually.

How do I level up my units?

Go use them.

But where do I optimally farm EXP for my units?

If you insist, go to World or Events and find levels with high EXP drop. We already list out the amount of EXP you get per clear. At least >10K EXP per run is generally chosen for levelling but even if it's slightly less, it's fine. Preferably the levels are best done fast too but it can be slow if you are strapped on resources. Then do them until your units are levelled.

Are there other ways of levelling my units?

Yes. You gift them records for level EXP and manuals for skill EXP. You get these items from event exchange and EXP dailies. Look them up under gifts in Items to know what they look like.

How do I gift things to my units?

You visit the unit's details then you click the gift button. (See UI Guide).

How do I make <Insert Unit Here> use the 2nd active instead of the 1st in auto?

Use the active prioritisation button in the Unit Details menu. If their second active is an attack and they are not using it, check if they have the range for it. (See Combat System).

Why can't I play chapter 9/chapter 2-1?

Complete the interlude in chapter 8.

Where do I link a unit? / What do I get from core linking? / Can I change my link bonus?

Read Core Linking.

Resources Management & Optimization Questions

How should I spend my Tuna Cans?

Squad slots and unit slots. If you play the game and explore its features, you will know why you need them for and how many you need them.

Of course you can forego all that and go for Skins right away, more power to you. But if you ever decided to complain on the servers that you are being restricted by your lack of gameplay upgrades over your own decision to buy skins, we will viciously mock you and then some.

Is <Insert unit here> good / worth raising?

Yes. Each unit have unique abilities/techs that do things. They also interact differently with other allied units and enemy units. All units are as good as you can use them. It is up to you to learn how to use them effectively.

Should I do Bioroid Production?

Do the basic 3 builds per day for the Daily Missions and make sure the numbers you put in can produce S-ranked units and above (See Workshop). Do this until you unlock Special Crafting then learn what the numbers do and craft at your own discretion. Remember, you can always just farm units in this game.

Should I do AGS Production?

It gives you unique AGS units and it is not luck-dependent, why do you even have to ask?

Should I do Equipment Production?

Do it at your own discretion.

What do I do with these extra / duplicate units?

Core Linking or Disassembling/Dismantling.

How many copies of <Insert unit here> should I keep?

Enough for a fully linked unit.

What should I prioritize in <Insert Event here>'s Exchange?

My personal Recommendation:

If you think you have enough time to farm (at least some 5+ days) and you just started, go for Records and Manuals since they can quickly raise your carry to a high level and thus make you farm more efficiently. Then either go for the units / equipment / cores or buy the Advanced Material Pack (last time I checked new players seemed to really struggle to get those for Research).

If not then try to get units / equipment you don't have any copies of, then move on to Proxy Cores. If you go the above-mentioned route now, you probably won't have enough time to get the missing units.

If you create an account within 24h of the event ending, scratch that and go back to 1st route. Getting enough currency to trade for units with a fresh account will likely take more than that.

Do remember that some events have a grace period afterwards for you to continue using the Exchange (in which case you can save the currency and decide later) while some don't (You need to spend the currency before the event ends).

What Research should I focus on?

New players will likely to have problems with Resources. Focus on all of the researches that help alleviating this. Read and find out which ones are they in Research.

How do I increase my resource limit/Cap/max?

What you are looking at in the lobby is your passive resource generation limit, which is determined by your commander level. There is no practical resource limit.

How should I build the Base?

Equipment Upgrade Efficiency Research Room (Equipment Upgrade R&D Lab), an Equipment Dismantle Efficiency Research Room (Equipment Dismantle R&D Lab), and Cafeteria. After that you are free to do and handle base as you see fit. It is useful but not important.

How do I farm resources?

Literally just use less resources than you earn retiring the units you get. You can basically farm resources anywhere that is easy enough to do with an unlinked unit and drop at least S units once you got the 150% retirement bonus.

You can farm resources/efficiently at any point of the game if you make use of the Offline Farming feature. Learn how to do it yourself in-game.

Where do I farm <insert materials here>?

Literally just farm units/EQ/resources wherever the materials drop. People don't focus on farming them because you will get them abundantly by just playing the game. Go explore the Exchange in-game if you need them immediately.

What's the best level to farm <insert current event item here>?

The best level to farm event item is to just farm whatever unit/EQ you don't have in those event. You get more tech and you get event items.

Alternatively, the highest numbered level you can do in that event and the cheapest (Meaning you can do it with just 1 unlinked unit). Better if you can do it fast too. Generally the more difficult the level is in the event, the higher the number of event item drops whenever they appear. Meaning EXs event levels will drop more event items per drop than normal event levels. Go find your own stage in the event that you can easily do.

I see players with ridiculously high amount of resources/items. What is their secret?

They farm resources and do their missions. That's it. It all boils down to how long they have been doing it.

Returnee Questions

What do I do with these stat fodder units/EQ fodder?

Retire them or keep them for memory.

Why can I no longer see the enemy's power level / Why can I no longer see my team's power level?

Power level is the most misleading feature in LO and has since been removed. Raw numerical values are useless when they are not contextualised.

Meta-Talk FAQ

What's the source on LO related news/announcement besides the wiki and the Discord?

Either in-game source or Cafe.

Who/what is Aisha?

Aisha is both a meta-character and one of Last Origin's GMs. There are two of them you can find on Cafe, GM Aisha and Aisha48. Aishas deliver news, announcements, and act as a PR person between the devs and the players.

Who is developing Last Origin right now?

That would be Valofe. Last Origin was originally developed by SM Art Joy. A very tragic series of events happened and what's left of Last Origin's developers rebranded themselves as Valkyrie Studio. Then the IP got sold to Valofe who despite their track record, actually work on the game. None of the OG developers are around anymore. So things like original art style, artistic, story, and gaming directions are long gone. Newer devs also handled things differently depending on the current crowd. So if you feel like certain parts and aspects of the game are handled differently over the others, you know why.

What is this about Last Origin being forced to censor its artworks?

On 20th July 2024, Game Rating and Administration Committee (or GRAC, a governmental organization in Korea) had ordered Valofe for censoring the skin arts, primarily on crotch area/camel toe or buttocks. Due to the obligation, over 200 skin arts have been modified in the update on 6th August 2024, even for those skin arts that had approval from them since 2019. However, upper part/chest area is untouched.

Editor notes:

GRAC has been an annoyance since it has been found. Their inconsistency, lack of standardized guideline and abusing of power, has caused many problems for games before Last Origin. They have the say on whether the game can be published or straight out banned in Korea. Regardless, for the censorship, we will not upload the edited arts on wiki, as we already have censored the original arts in our way for ToS on Same say from Wolfgang, the creator of SwayTwig, will not upload the edited arts on his website, you can view the original arts on there.

Valofe have taken compensative measures with newer skin releases. Nipples and practically bare breasts are now fair game. Skins may now look like they came straight out of porn games in terms of eroticism. However, Valofe is treading upon a fine line of legality, and if the game suddenly reaches EoS despite technically being an adult game, it's likely because of this move.

Frequently Asked Questions (2025)


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Article information

Author: Tuan Roob DDS

Last Updated:

Views: 5509

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.